Ibotta-Earn buy buying and scanning
Shopkick-Another Awesome App.
Do you grocery shop? Go to the big box stores? Well, this app is right up your ally and you can make a couple bucks in just one shopping trip. No, really, it's pretty easy to do.
So, first download the app. on your mobile device. (You must be reading this on your mobile device to download.) Click here. Once you download the app. It'll give you $2 for downloading it from here, and wait, cash out is, $2 for a Walmart, Target, AE, or various charities and the gift cards that is stored on your phone, pretty neat, huh?
Yes, we use this app all the time. The kids do it as well. You do need a cell phone number to verify you are a US citizen and are a real person.
Then, the app will give you "kicks" for just walking into stores such as Walmart, Meijer, Walgreens, etc. As well as kicks for scanning barcodes in the stores. No, you do not need to make any purchases, just scan the barcodes. This is 100% free money if your already going, or we do it just to get out of these 4 walls sometimes, it's like a treasure hunt for kids. And, again, the lowest rate is $2 to cash out, which can be done in one shopping trip if the stores are close together.
By far a favorite for us all.
You can also earn kicks by watching occasional videos and looking at various ads. Most the kicks are just a simple walk into the store. Best Buy is a good one for 100 kicks, just to walk in, that easy.
500 kicks gets you $2 at Walmart, Target, A DVD rental and Redbox or donations to a few charities. So there are some options there. And, when walk in's are 100 points, well, you can see how fast this can add up.
Here's some screen shots:
So, go ahead, click here and download it and see if you might like it! You have to be able to have blue tooth and location on in order for this app to work on your phone. This app is only for actual going to stores and shopping. But, you can link your card to the app, see the little card at the end of the line of blue items on the left image? That's my cards that are linked, when used at these stores, I get 1 kick per $1 or if there is a special, a bonus too!
Yes, this is another app. that is in my phone and I use in in conjunction with Shopkick. Heck, if I've already driven to the store, why not? They are very similar. This too adds up quickly.
This icon is from the Google Play Store to show you what the app. icon will look like.
This app. pretty much the same thing as shop points. However, you can watch videos, which are long, for more points. Play games to earn points. Their points start at 340 points for $1, which is super easy to do as they have far more items to scan and most scans are 20 points.
Here's a screenshot:
Okay, this is an actual shot of my screen. I did this because I found this one a bit confusing at first that actually didn't use it for quite some time. I did black out my points.
See the basket at the bottom? That's what you click on when your in the store or going to the store. The store's share the items that you need to scan as well, so make sure you haven't gotten all the points before driving across the street for "600" more points and there aren't any there! Then find the product they want you to find and scan the barcode. No purchases are required for this app either. Pretty cool, huh? These add up super fast too and with just a $1 cash out, you can't go wrong. So, your not going to go for a year without cashing out.
With all three of these Apps. I have cashed out at least twice, the bottom two far more than that!
There are facebook groups that also help you with these apps as well, to build "teams" and such, but this will at least answer some of the customers' questions on what I'm talking about when they call and catch me "shopping". Lol.
I wrote this as a courtesy to our customers. Sorry, it doesn't have anything to do with beads, however, I was asked to write this up and explain it more. So, here it is. If you like it, I can go on with others we use as well to save money or get free money. None are going to make you rich but may pay your phone bill. I know the three above pay mine pretty much every month with all the cards and Paypal income I make. So, it's not much, but sometimes every little bit helps.
-Some of this text may include affiliate links to help us both earn more as we use the app. Since, I've been a member for a long time I have teams that I work with that help us earn faster. Please use my links when possible to help us both.