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Reloading our new online bead store location

Reloading our new online bead store location

Doing the happy bead dance today!  It's starting to finally come along.  The beads are being loaded up onto the site and is getting restocked with all kinds of restocked beads, new beads, beads had found and wanted to put back on the site but had to await this horrible move. Over 50 images were taken today and fixed up and over 20 New products were launched.  With several pages of restocked beads too.  Phew, I thought we would never get to this place.  The design is easier to launch faster and easier from our end.  Let us know...

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Not a happy bead lady!

Not a happy bead lady!

Well, this is the first actual working day of our new website and what happens?!?  Our systems get a virus that takes them all down for several hours.  Our fierce leader here is pretty tech savy so we got that under control...I didn't mention hours, right??!?!?   In the meantime, it took out our system that allows us to upload our images to the website, stopping all production of even image taking and hosting.  Oh my, what mess, at the end of the day, it was that we were using the wrong program.  REALLY?!? Then, we found the correct program!!...

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And..Launched!! Our new home..come on into the new website

And..Launched!!  Our new home..come on into the new website

Oh, this is always an exciting time again, a new website, for a new beginning in 2016.  Our old host was consistently having issues with their platform (where the site functions from).  Our lack of check out's but still visitor count was where always has been made me wonder, "what is WRONG?!"  Well, their tech. support wouldn't even look into anything for me.  I couldn't see any stats on where people were coming from or leaving from, so I left.   Over the next few weeks we would LOVE feedback.  There's so many settings that can make things so we...

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